av Moa Foss | maj 28, 2018 | international, Learning at VR Schools, vrg info
Under de senaste två åren har Viktor Rydberg skola Vasastan arbetat med att starta upp ett internationellt samarbete med en skola i Kyoto, Japan. Projektet började med ett besök av rektor, skolchef och lärare från Kyoto Gakuen School. Sedan dess har vi haft...
av Moa Foss | feb 4, 2018 | active learning, entrepreneurship, leadership, Learning at VR Schools, staff, vrg info
– ett sätt att bygga på varandras idéer för att lösa problem och forma en produkt utifrån användarens behov (Guest blogger: Hanna Forsberg – originally posted on Hannas Skolblogg, here>>) Den här veckan hade Viktor Rydberg Gymnasium (VRG), Djurholm, ett...
av Moa Foss | dec 11, 2017 | aesthetics, Learning at VR Schools, vrg info
This week, we have an art exhibition from our year 1 students at VRG Odenplan. They just finished a unit of study on portraits. Their task was to use the methods of a famous painter to do a portrait of themselves. The results were impressive:
av Moa Foss | dec 11, 2017 | active learning, Learning at VR Schools, swedish, vrg info
This post describes a recent assignment in our Swedish 2 course. Students are required to study Scandinavian languages. The teacher used the current TV show, Skam, as a theme. Students were required to create films to show their learning. We believe that when using...
av Moa Foss | dec 8, 2017 | active learning, Learning at VR Schools, staff, vrg info
article written by guest blogger, John DiMaria (Director of Innovation and Technology at Stiftelsen Viktor Rydbergs skolor) Every teacher, student, parent and school leader has their focus on learning. Whether it’s grades, feedback, problem-based or individualized;...
av Moa Foss | okt 30, 2017 | active learning, French, Learning at VR Schools, technology, vrg info
Year 1 students at VRG recently put their French skills to the test. It was not a written test, it was a creative test. After visiting the Old Town in Stockholm and reviewing travel vocabulary, students were challenged to create a film showing their skills. In small...
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