av Moa Foss | feb 5, 2018 | active learning, Learning at VR Schools, project, students
Den 9 januari 2018 samlades alla VRG Odenplans Åk 1 elever i matsalen på Frejgatan 30 för den gemensamma kick-offen för deras första projekt på Viktor Rydberg. Sedan start har de schemabrytande projekten varit en del av hur Viktor Rydberg förbereder elever för högre...
av Moa Foss | jan 31, 2018 | Learning at VR Schools, music, students
VRG:s tolkning av ”American Idiot” blev en publiksuccé Viktor Rydberg gymnasiums årliga musikal var mer aktuell än någonsin, och lyfte kontroversiella ämnen som Trump, droger, flyktingar och abortfrågan. Energin, de korta låtarna, de smittande refrängerna...
av Moa Foss | jan 26, 2018 | English, international, Learning at VR Schools, språket, students
Using the musical American Idiot as subject matter in middle school English By guest blogger Louise Bedarvik, förstelärare i tyska och engelska på VRS Vasastan Working as an English teacher in middle school gives me plenty of opportunities to include material close to...
av Moa Foss | okt 12, 2017 | active learning, Learning at VR Schools, library, research, school culture, sökstrategi, students, vrg info
Guest blogger: Maria Axelsson and Anja Vikingson This is a busy fall for our libraries and our librarians. There are many activities and a lot of development happening. And, with that, a lot of transformations, just like outside! First, we have opened up a...
av Moa Foss | sep 21, 2017 | active learning, English, Learning at VR Schools, students, vrg info
Our Lead Teacher, Robin Smith, explains in this article how he uses Word Feud to build vocabulary. Need the article in English? Open the link and translate the page in Chrome. Click here>> to read the full article.
av Moa Foss | sep 19, 2017 | active learning, lab, Learning at VR Schools, science, staff, students, vrg info
(Guest blogger: Lead Teacher, Patrik Friggebo) New school year and our physics project at VRG Odenplan is starting its second and last phase, exciting! This year, we will focus on Physics 2. For those who do not know, I can explain that the project, which is a...
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