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Våga Visa observation shows VRG's strengths - vrskolor.se

vagavisaDuring week 6 and 7, VRG welcomed a Våga Visa inspection team.  During 5 days, this team of inspectors interviewed our students and staff, observed more than 40 lessons and reviewed many of our school documents.  

This comprehensive inspection is focused on five areas taken from our national curriculum:

  • norms and values
  • knowledge
  • student responsibility and student influence
  • assessment and grades 
  • leadership responsibility

The summary of the report stated:sammanfattning

After our observation, we can conclude that Viktor Rydberg Gymnasium in Djursholm is a well-functioning school that offers a high-quality service.  

The school is characterized by a high level of ambition, in the leadership, staff and students.  

The students are highly motivated, take a great responsibility for their learning and reach very good results.  The teachers are competent and engaged, both in their teaching and their students.  Both teachers and students are happy and very proud of their school. 


forbattringIn addition, areas of development were identified:

  • Boys and girls have somewhat different roles in the classroom
  • Cross-curricular learning is not systematic
  • Formal forum for student democracy should be further developed

We will now work with the full, comprehensive report to further develop our school. We will share this report with all stakeholders and then discuss fully to find the right actions to take in the next phase of our school’s development.

To read the report in full, click on the link below:

Rapport Våga visa observation Viktor Rydberg gymnasium Djursholm VT 16 (2)