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Senior projects offer students a chance to explore their interests and show their skills - vrskolor.se

thatsdoneCongratulations to the Class of 2016 on finishing their senior projects!  

In the Swedish school system, one of the most important graduation requirements is that every student complete a senior project (gymnasiearbete).   The senior project shows that the student is ready for university level work within their own program of study. This final task is a comprehensive research project written in a scientific manner complete with an English abstract and a critical review of sources.  In addition to the written work, students also read and oppose classmates’ work.  This peer feedback system offers students the chance to practice critical thinking as they encourage each other to reach their fullest potential.

We begin each school year with an inspiration session to spur students on to think of what topics really interest them within their program. Every year students choose unique, challenging, and, sometimes, even uncommon topics to pursue.

Some of our topics this year have included:

Sustainability of cord as a three-dimensional structure/ Hållbarhet hos tågvirke utifrån tredimensionell struktur

Music and its neurological effects on the brain/Musik och dess neurokemiska påverkan på hjärnan

Sudden heart failure in sports – causes and how can it be avoided? / Plötslig hjärtdöd inom idrotten – Vilka är orsakerna och hur kan de förhindras?

Bee pollination/Bipollination – Vilka effekter har minskad bipollination?

GMO – What possibilities does genetically modified rice give for meeting the demand for additional food for China’s growing population?/ GMO – Vilka möjligheter ger genmodifierat ris för att förse Kinas växande befolkning med föda?

Capacity for Learning – Are chidren capable of starting a more advanced education at an earlier age?/ Kapacitet för inlärning – Förändras barns förmåga att motta information från och med att de börjar förskolan i Sverige tills de inträder mellanstadiet? Är barn kapabla att börja en mer avancerad utbildning i tidigare ålder?

Gender equality in the ”nerd” culture of gaming

Why do we laugh?/ Varför skrattar vi?

Here are a few projects showing the outstanding work of some of our senior students: (please note:  all student papers are in Swedish)



To read this work in its entirety, click here>> Amplio Gymnasiearbete


juliagaTo read this work in its entirety, click here>>Gymnasiearbete-Reningavlysozym





To read this work in its entirety, click here>> Gymnasiearbete2016-GeniusorCrazy


To read this work in its entirety, click here>> Gymnasiearbete 2016 – Stimulis påverkan på individens smärttröske


insidan ut



To read this work in its entirety, click here>> GA-Insidanut





We are now in the process of archiving these works for future students to be able to search, read, admire and draw inspiration . . .

Thanks, Class of 2016 and all of our senior project faculty advisors for sharing your outstanding projects with us!

Read more about senior projects, here>>