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IDA - Instructional Design Academy - an idea in the making - vrskolor.se


15 teachers, 2 days, 1 focus = how to describe, improve and further develop the quality of instruction at the Viktor Rydberg schools … IDA, Instructional Design Academy, is an idea in the making.

In January, we gathered a group of teachers from each of our five schools and challenged them to think beyond what is happening in our schools today.  But, instead, think about what do we want to be able to do tomorrow.  We discussed ideas from current educational research, worked in brainstorming processes, debated ideas, developed specific paths for progress and, most importantly, we listened to each other. IMG_4296.JPG

Before they arrived at the two-day academy, each participant was asked to think about an area of expertise that they would be interested in developing a professional learning module.  The topic could be any aspect of learning in our

The topic could be any aspect of learning in our schools, but should be related to Instructional Design in a digital environment.


rotation-idaOn Day 1, we examined where we are right
now … with a focus on how students learn best and blended learning. Using a station rotation approach, teachers worked on individual tasks, team tasks and in a group.  We studied the work of Dylan Wiliam and discussed the idea of deliberate practice,

Using a station rotation approach, teachers worked on individual tasks, team tasks and in a group.  We studied the work of Dylan Wiliam and discussed the idea of deliberate practice, blended-figurereviewed the later work of John Hattie and visible learning, as well as different models of blended learning.

Then, each participant was challenged to develop a professional learning module within their area of expertise.

On Day 2, we discussed the long-term vision of our organization to eventually offer img_4305varied forms of distance and online education.  Then, teachers worked individually and in teams to develop their modules.
Using the ideas from Day 1 and the vision from Day 2, teachers were inspired to address current challenges and develop modules for teams of teachers to study.

Each module is built on a cycle of study, discussion, practice and review all in a team of peers.lyft

ida-feedback-2Based on the feedback from our first session, we are now in the process of planning the
second meeting of our Instructional Design Academy.

ida-response-1 What we know will be included:  current educational research, examples of best practice, intentional cycles of development and lots of time for teacher-to-teacher discussions.


We believe our teachers are the most important parameter in our students’ academic success.  Therefore, we will continue to develop our IDA program for all VR teachers.