7 december, 2018

VRG Odenplan ser de högpresterande eleverna


Reflections from our Director of Schools.

Skolinspektion released a report summarizing a group of focused inspections from last spring.  The report focused on Challenging Instruction for High Performing Students/Utmanande undervisning för högpresterande elever.  This is an important report and one we should all read.  VRG Odenplan was one of the school’s involved in this ”close to the classroom” research.  You can read the report of findings for just VRG Odenplan here.
While Skolinspektionen’s national report points out that many schools do not yet meet the standard of instruction that we all wish for our students, the VRG Odenplan report lifts up our classrooms as an example school for instruction of ”good quality”.
The report highlights specific aspects:
-challenging classroom activities
-supportive relationships and an engaging school culture
-school leadership who are informed and involved in the pedagogical development
-strong cooperation between teachers and student care team
as success factors.







”Lärare kommer ofta och frågar oss saker. De kontrollerar att allt går bra och att man förstår. Den återkopplingen betyder mycket.” 

                                                                                                                                             Viktor Lisra, elev på VRG Odenpaln

The national report from Skolinspektionen has received national press coverage.  In multiple situations, VRG Odenplan was asked to be included in the report as a ”good” example. SVT Morgonstudion invited me for an interview, and SVT Rapport talked about us and came to our school at Odenplan to talk with some students. You can read about it at SVT Nyheter as well.


We are all proud that the success factors highlighted in the VRG Odenplan report can be seen every day in all of our #VRSkolor.  Quality in the small things – teachers who chat with students in the hallway, open-ended questions at the end of lessons to ensure students think and reflect, clear feedback so students know what to do next, student care activities that lay the groundwork for success and support the ups and downs along the way, school leaders who monitor the systems and structures we all work painlessly to implement and the constant question of could we do this better? … it is this attention to detail that ensures high quality and that VR is ”en skola som har lyckats bra…” with every student developing as far as possible.

Kristy Lundström, Director of Schools VR Schools

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