av Moa Foss | sep 19, 2017 | active learning, lab, Learning at VR Schools, science, staff, students, vrg info
(Guest blogger: Lead Teacher, Patrik Friggebo) New school year and our physics project at VRG Odenplan is starting its second and last phase, exciting! This year, we will focus on Physics 2. For those who do not know, I can explain that the project, which is a...
av Moa Foss | feb 24, 2017 | active learning, Learning at VR Schools, science, staff, students, vrg info
During the past four weeks, our staff has been studying and reflecting over what blended learning is and how does it, could it and should it work in our school. We have broken down the definition, looked at models and studied examples, read important research on the...
av Moa Foss | feb 1, 2017 | active learning, Learning at VR Schools, project, science, students, vrg info
During this year’s project period, Year 2 Science students tried to answer the basic question – What is the most efficient way to heat water and keep it warm? Essentially – how to build the best thermos? Each year, we suspend our regular schedule for...
av Moa Foss | okt 30, 2015 | astrophysics, brahe educational foundation, ian morison, Learning at VR Schools, project phoenix, square kilometer array
On Thursday, October 22, VRG students were treated to an engaging and provocative lecture by visiting professor, Ian Morison. Mr. Morison is the UK’s preeminent radio-astronomer and astrophysicist, based at the Jodrell Bank Observatory and Centre for Astrophysics in...
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