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Från Bryssel till ditt klassrum - vrskolor.se

Från Bryssel till ditt klassrum

I maj är det val till Europaparlamentet. I samband med det kommer skolor runt om i Sverige att arrangera skolval. Ett bra sätt att synliggöra och öka kunskapen om EU och vårt demokratiska samhälle!


”The Swedish school system is based on democratic foundations. . . Education should impart and establish respect for human rights and the fundamental democratic values on which Swedish society is based.” This statement is written in the first paragraph of our curriculum. VR teachers and students work actively to fulfill this responsibility.

In this video, you can see how teachers and students are preparing for the upcoming EU elections by practicing the democratic process: studying the issues, debating their merits and then actively voting. In our organization, we are lucky to have several EU Certified Ambassadors leading this work. This is one of the many ways we keep the learning ”real and relevant.”

I samband med val till Europaparlamentet kommer skolor runt om i Sverige att arrangera skolval.
